2021 SACMARC Membership Application

Save, Print, and Mail to address at bottom of application
(Spouse and other family member names/callsigns only required if
applicable and intended to be included in Family Membership)

First Name              Last Name

Callsign                License Class                   Expiration

Spouse's First Name     Spouse's Last Name

Spouse's Callsign       Spouse's License Class          Expiration

Other Immediate Family Member Names/Callsigns

Street/PO Box/Rural Route/Apartment

City                            State                   Zip Code

Phone Number                    E-mail Address

Do you wish to be subscribed to our Electronic Mailing List?  Y / N
ARRL Member?  Y / N

Signature               Date

Dues per year are as follows:
Individual:   $5.00
Family:       $7.50
Student:      $2.50
First-Year Licensed Amateurs: FREE  (enclose copy of license)

Make all checks payable to SACMARC, Inc.
Send this application, and applicable dues, to:

c/o Frank Taylor, AA0ZP
1413 Saint Joachin Ct
Bellevue, NE 68005-4937 

The Strategic Air Command Memorial Amateur Radio Club (SACMARC),
Incorporated, is an ARRL-Affiliated Club and Nebraska Non-Profit Public
Benefit Corporation.  The purpose of the corporation is to preserve the
communications history of the Strategic Air Command and United States
Air Force through amateur radio by a variety of lawful means.