The Strategic Air Command Memorial Amateur Radio Club (SACMARC), Incorporated, is a
Non-Profit, Public Benefit Corporation in the State of Nebraska and is temporarily not affiliated with the
American Radio Relay League, Incorporated, of Newington, Connecticut. The purpose of the
corporation is to preserve the communications history of the Strategic Air Command and
United States Air Force through amateur radio by a variety of lawful means. A historic
military-recreation callsign (formerly associated with Headquarters SAC, Offutt Air Force Base, near Omaha, Nebraska),
K0AIR, as well as the personal call sign of
General Curtis E. LeMay when
he was the CINCSAC,
K0GRL, were recovered from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to serve
as a living exhibit of both past and present amateur radio communications.

MONDAY, MAR 11, 2024
Time and Place is 1900hrs (7pm) at Izmir Gyro House, 1507 Galvins Rd. S., Bellevue
If you wish to have dinner before the meeting, plan to arrive around 1830hrs (6:30pm)
Everyone is invited, help spread the word. 2024 dues can be collected or can be mailed in to the secretary or by the PayPal Donate button in the left panel on the home page
If you are working on a project, please bring it to share or make a presentation
$5.00 - Individual / Family - $7.50 / Student - $2.50
First-Year Licensed Amateurs: FREE (enclose copy of license)
We had a successful SPECIAL EVENT STATION on 4 Jun 21 in commemorating
the 75th anniversary of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) at Qtrs 13, (General LeMay's old quarters) from 9am - 5pm
Statistics and a picture will be posted as soon as the logging is fleshed out.
Build_500_STRATCOM_Festival_2019 Special Event Station
July 26th, 2019 !!
was on the air!!!
Our club’s participation at this year’s USSTRATCOM Summerfest picnic on July 26th was a great success! Along with a variety of family-oriented activities, our club was given the opportunity to set up a ham radio station on the front lawn of the former Strategic Air Command (SAC) headquarters building. Hundreds of people attended the event, many of whom walked by and chatted about amateur radio. Several took the chance to experience hopping on the radio for some guest operator contacts!
Thanks to the outstanding support of the SAC Memorial Amateur Radio Club and members of the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club, we had a good representation of Field Day operations and people monitoring pre-coordinated frequencies. During the day, we made contacts on 2m, DStar, and FT8. We attempted 20m but propagation was not ideal. Throughout the day, licensed Hams working at USSTRATCOM stopped by and asked to be kept in the loop of club activities. Additional guests asked for information regarding upcoming classes. Adults and children alike expressed interest in what we do.
A special thanks goes out to SACMARC for the use of the K0AIR call sign for this event (Strategic Air Command’s historic call sign used by the former “military recreation station”) and for the tremendous support given by a myriad of members stopping by to lend a hand.
Veteran's Day 2006 - SACMARC See
Sample of the K0GRL Card!
Veteran's Day 2005
- SACMARC See the pictures..!
Membership Application [
HTML ] or [
(Please print either of these, fill in necessary information,
and mail with check or money order)
When and Where Do We Meet?
Our regular business meetings are quarterly, at 1900 hours
(7:00 PM. )
For 2023, the scheduled dates are 13 March, 12 June, 11 September and 11 December (Annual)
The location for these meetings is the McDonald's on Galvin Road in Bellevue, Nebraska, but maybe scheduled for other locations in this post-pandemic world. The annual election meeting will be the December meeting.
Primary talk-in
is on 145.115- MHz (WB0QQK/R). Back-up is on 145.235- MHz (WB0EMU/R).